

What Is A Ganglion Cyst? 

Ganglion cysts are fluid filled areas that appear as raised bumps under the skin. Though they are filled with fluid, the contents can start to thicken over time, causing the bump to take on a firm, spongy feeling to the touch. These sacs can develop on either the top or the bottom of the foot along ligaments. Ligaments have a synovial membrane that can sometimes leak, causing the synovial fluid to settle in areas and, in turn, develop the cysts. 

While ganglion cysts are noncancerous and do not pose any harm, they can be uncomfortable or feel unflattering. Ambulatory Foot Care Center Of Tonawanda is here to help. If you have a strange bump on your foot that matches some or all of the symptoms described, you may have a ganglion cyst. 

Schedule An Appointment

Dr. Vasiliadis will provide a full examination of the bump and the surrounding areas in order to verify that you have a ganglion cyst or give an alternative diagnosis. Treatment options from there are, in part, up to you. Because these cysts often cause no pain or harm, treatment is not always a necessity. However, we do have a few different options available if you decide that you need help managing your ganglion cyst or want it removed. Contact us today to schedule your appointment. 
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